The Weekend Edition - 5 Leno project ideas
18 days ago • 1 min readHi Weavers! If you loved learning how to weave Leno lace on your rigid heddle loom in my previous article, you’re going to be excited about today’s post! Leno is a beautiful, open-weave technique that adds texture and lightness to your projects. It’s a finger controlled technique that can easily be woven on a plain weave threading and with very minimal tools – all you need is your rigid heddle loom and a pick up stick! In this post, I’ll share five gorgeous Leno weaving project ideas to...
READ POSTThe Weekend Edition - New Warp & Weft Calculator
about 1 month ago • 1 min readHi Weavers! I have a brand new loom and I'm loving it! I'm very excited about this loom and the company behind it. Today's video is an assembly tutorial: How to Assemble the Lojan Inkle Loom... I'm thrilled to let you know that I am now a reseller for Lojan wheels and looms here in Australia. I'm also a dealer for Louet, so if you're in the market for a new loom, wheel or any of the other wonderful tools they offer, feel free to get in touch! 😀...
READ POSTThe Weekend Edition - Drowning in yarn? 🧶🧶🧶
about 2 months ago • 1 min readHi Weavers! If you’ve ever found yourself rummaging through a tangled mess of yarn or searching for that one shuttle that always seems to disappear, you’re not alone. A cluttered workspace can slow down your creativity, but with a few smart storage solutions, you can transform your weaving area into an organized haven. Whether you have a dedicated studio or just a cozy corner, these storage tips will help you maximize your space and keep everything within easy reach. Must - have storage...
READ POSTThe Weekend Edition - The joy of rigid heddle weaving
about 2 months ago • 1 min readHi Weavers! I still remember the thrill of waiting for my very first rigid heddle loom to arrive. The idea that I could create my own handwoven fabric felt like magic. I’d seen weaving videos online, mostly featuring floor looms, and dreamed of starting my own weaving journey. When the box finally arrived, I was filled with excitement—and a little bit of trepidation. I didn’t know any other weavers, and back then, online resources were scarce. Thankfully, that’s no longer the case! Today,...